GENERALNot much is know about the Piglins since they are mostly limited to the Infected Realms. The few that managed to escape the Infected Realm are non-aggressive but can be found quite rude.
SOCIETYPiglin Society in the Infected Realm is under constant threat from the corruption.
Since there's no sunlight in the Virtus underground ghettos some have sook refuge there, the few that managed to survive in our realm.
PHYSIOLOGYIncredibly high temperature. Sunlight is lethal, so they only live underground in the overworld. Gold acts as an addictive narcotic to them.
RELIGIONDark Gods - a pagan religion worshiping semi-malevolent and highly capricious powers known as the Dark Gods, who are said to have created the Infected Realm and all things in it.
REGIONSVirtus ghettos, Infected Realm.
AESTHETICSNot much is know but they can use the materials in their direct surroundings and adapt it to their own unique build style.