GENERALIndigenous race of Varchia. Strong and smart, but socially awkward and sometimes excessively aggressive. Had a massive war with human refugees from Aphasia many hundreds of years ago, have since started trading and cooperating with them.
SOCIETYOrc society with time has shifted from militarism to pacifism, although some orcs have a hard time following these social norms. Orc government is a massive Trade League known as Capear Trading company, comprised from numerous merchant families, big and small. While the Company looks down upon wanton warmongering, its primary concern is the pursuit of profit and expansion. Since habitable territory grows ever more scarce on Varchia, the company seeks to establish colonies in faraway lands
PHYSIOLOGYOrcs are strong and intelligent, but have somewhat shorter lifespans than other races.
RELIGIONNo official state religion, freedom of worship.
REGIONSVarchia, the Depths, various islands and coastal lands.
AESTHETICSNaval, colonial.