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Here some of our useful commands in-game:

  • /spawn: Go to the spawn of the server you are in
  • /class: Pick a class which gives boosts
  • /pm [player] [message]: Send a private message
  • /cc: Send a message in your clan
  • /pay [player] [money]: Transfer to other player some money
  • /balance: Check wallet balance
  • /gmenu main: Display the Gadgets menu [Partially enabled on SMP]
  • /hub: Send yourself to the hub and explore
  • /server [servername]: Sends you to the server with the provided name
  • /rtp: Randomly teleports you to another location for 50 coins [SMP ONLY]
  • /tpa [username]: Requests a teleport to said user
  • /tpaccept: Accept a user's teleport request
  • /tpdeny: Deny a user's teleport request
  • /ah: Visit the Auction House GUI where you can sell and buy stuff [SMP ONLY]
  • /sethome [homename]: Create a home you can warp to and give it a name [SMP ONLY]
  • /home [homename]: Teleport to a certain home you saved [SMP ONLY]
  • /pw [name]: Teleport to a playerwarp [SMP ONLY]
  • /back: Go back to your location before a death/teleport [SMP ONLY]