GENERALSapient aquatic beings that inhabit the depths of the ocean… Somewhere. They had an advanced civilization until a cataclysm reduced it to ruins many years ago. They are separated into tribes and have little contact with the outside world.
SOCIETYTribal society with many competing clans. Largely isolationist and secretive..
PHYSIOLOGYAquatic, can breathe underwater. Require much moisture to live. Ancestors of modern-day elves. Requires a special Sprit Coral for souls to be reborn into new bodies. Death outside the coral’s reach means staying in limbo and be denied rebirth.
RELIGIONWorship of the Four Deities. Fettered One, Warped One, Begrudged One and Vexed One.
REGIONSSomewhere in the ocean floor.
AESTHETICSPrismarine, maia, aztec, tikki