Server Crates Rewards Content
SMP Crate (up to 4 rewards per crate)
Can only be opened on SMP.
- Mythic Crate Giftpack 30%
- 100 Coins 20%
- 250 XP (Points) 40%
- 500 XP (Points) 20%
- 1000 XP (Points) 5%
- 5 Star Mythic Crate 5%
- 5000 Claimblocks 7%
- 1000 Claimblocks 10%
- 32x XP Bottles 5%
- 8x Enderpearl 3%
- 16x Ender Eye 2%
- 4x End Crystal 1%
- Elytra 1%
- Totem of Undying 2%
- Dragon Egg 1%
- 2x Shulker Shell 3%
- Netherite Ingot 0.5%
- 4x Netherite Scrap 1%
- 4x Diamond 4%
- 9x Emerald 5%
- 32x Iron Ingot 7%
- 32x Gold Ingot 8%
- 64x Coal 10%
- 64x Redstone 12%
- 64x Lapis Lazuli 13%
- 64x Copper Ingot 15%
- Thorns 3 Book 3%
- Looting 3 Book 3%
- Silk Touch Book 3%
- Efficiency 5 Book 3%
- Protection 4 Book 3%
- Unbreaking 3 Book 3%
- Smite 5 Book 3%
- Mending Book 3%
- Sharpness 5 Book 3%
- 4x Glow Berries 15%
- 8x Pumpkin Seeds 15%
- 8x Melon Seeds 15%
- 9x Lily Pad 15%
- 6x Cocoa Beans 15%
- 64x Carrots 14%
- 3x Turtle Egg 9%
- 3x Frogspawn 9%
Skyblock Crate (up to 4 rewards per crate)
Can be opened on SMP until Skyblock has been re-released.
- Mythic Crate 30%
- 100 Coins 20%
- 250 XP (Points) 40%
- 500 XP (Points) 20%
- 1000 XP (Points) 5%
- 3 Star Mythic Crate 5%
- Egg 5%
- Turtle Egg 2%
- Emerald 2%
- Redstone 3%
- Raw Gold 4%
- Gold Ingot 2%
- Raw Iron 4%
- Iron Ingot 2%
- Coal 2%
- Charcoal 4%
- Lapis Lazuli 3%
- Raw Copper 5%
- Copper Ingot 3%
- Diamond 1%
- End Crystal 1%
- Obsidian 5%
Skyblock Mobs Eggs and Spawners have been removed.
KitPVP Crate (up to 3 rewards per crate)
Can only be opened on KitPVP.
- Mythic Crate 30%
- 100 Coins 20%
- 250 XP (Points) 40%
- 500 XP (Points) 20%
- 1000 XP (Points) 5%
- 4 Star Mythic Crate 5%
Minigames Crate (up to 3 rewards per crate)
Can only be opened on Minigames.
- Mythic Crate 30%
- 100 Coins 20%
- 250 XP (Points) 40%
- 500 XP (Points) 20%
- 1000 XP (Points) 5%
- 2 Star Mythic Crate 5%
- Mythic Crate Gift 7%
Labyrinth Crate (up to 3 rewards per crate)
Labyrinth is in closed Alpha, keys are saved up until release. Enjoy your keys ;)
- Mythic Crate 30%
- 100 Coins 20%
- 250 XP (Points) 40%
- 500 XP (Points) 20%
- 1000 XP (Points) 5%
- 3 Star Mythic Crate 5%
- Firm Iron Sword: Smite 5, Unbreaking 3. 5%
- Iron Stinger (Iron Sword): Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3. 5%
- Spider Killer (Iron Sword): Bane of Arthropods 5, Unbreaking 2. 5%
- Strong Diamond Sword: Knockback 1, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3. 2%
- Hardened Skull Smasher (Iron Axe): Smite 5, Unbreaking 3. 4%
- Sharp Cleaver (Iron Axe): Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3. 4%
- Golden Killer Axe (Golden Axe): Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Strong Shield: Unbreaking 3. 5%
- Protective Iron Helmet: Blast Protection 1, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Protective Iron Chestplate: Blast Protection 1, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Protective Iron Leggings: Blast Protection 1, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Protective Iron Boots: Blast Protection 1, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Bolts (Chainmail) Helmet: Blast Protection 1, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Bolts (Chainmail) Chestplate: Blast Protection 1, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Bolts (Chainmail) Leggings: Blast Protection 1, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Bolts (Chainmail) Boots: Blast Protection 1, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3. 3%
- King's Crown (Golden Helmet): Fire Protection 2, Protection 3, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3. 2%
- King's (Golden) Chestplate: Fire Protection 2, Protection 3, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3. 2%
- King's (Golden) Leggings: Fire Protection 2, Protection 3, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3. 2%
- King's (Golden) Boots: Fire Protection 2, Protection 3, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3. 2%
- Strong Turtle Helmet: Unbreaking 3. 3%
- Diamond 2%
- Iron Ingot 6%
- Steak 5%
- Gold Carrot 3%
- Golden Apple 2%
- Enchanted Golden Apple 1%
- Coal 5%
- Longbow: Infinity, Power 3, Punch 2. 3%
- Quick Crossbow: Piercing 4, Quick Charge 3, Unbreaking 3. 2%
Mythic Crate (1 cosmetic rewards per crate)
Can be opened at a Mystery Vault location, server-wide.
Cosmetic items were categorized into 4 type of rarity which are Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Every Mystery Box contains 7 different loots with different rarity.
The higher quality Mystery Box contains rarer items inside. Open a Mystery Box will gain a random loot from 7 loots and the chances getting a rarer items will depends on the quality of Mystery Box. When you get an item that you already have, you will receive Mystery Dust for exchange. You will get differ amount of Mystery Dust depending on how rare the item you received.
Quality Common Rare Epic Legendary
4 1 1 1
3 2 1 1
2 2 2 1
1 1 2 3
0 1 2 4
Extra Information
The latest rewards list can also be found in-game. Find a Crates NPC and 'Right Click' to preview a crate (hover over the crate item).
Check our store rank descriptions for the information on Global and Rank Crates. Can also be seen in-game, see previous line.
A Global Crates Rewards List is still being made.
Last edited: 10 months ago